How Pelvic Floor Therapy and Massage Can Transform Your Wellness Journey

When it comes to holistic wellness, the body speaks in a language that is best understood through the lens of an integrative approach. Imagine combining the focused precision of pelvic floor therapy with the nurturing touch of massage therapy—two powerful modalities that, when brought together, create a pathway to deep, lasting healing.
As a massage therapist with a degree and background in occupational therapy, my approach to wellness is rooted in a commitment to ensuring my clients receive care that supports their overall wellness from a holistic perspective. I like to say that I never give the same therapy session twice because I take a unique approach to each of my clients based on their needs.
The Foundations: Pelvic Floor Therapy
Pelvic floor therapy is an essential, yet historically overlooked, aspect of wellness. Pelvic floor health plays a critical role in your body’s overall function, affecting everything from posture to overall core strength, and even emotional health. This therapy focuses on the assessment and treatment of the pelvic floor and surrounding muscles, helping to alleviate issues such as incontinence, pelvic pain, and even lower back discomfort.
The Healing Touch: Massage Therapy
Massage therapy, on the other hand, works to release tension, improve circulation, and promote relaxation throughout the body. It’s a therapeutic practice that not only addresses physical discomfort, but also supports emotional and mental well-being.
When integrated with pelvic floor therapy, massage treatments act as a bridge, connecting the dots between physical tension and emotional release. This combination helps to create a harmonious flow of energy in the body, which is crucial for long-term wellness.
The Power of Integration
When pelvic floor therapy and massage therapy are combined, they work in tandem to address both the root causes and the symptoms of physical discomfort and other symptoms. This approach is not just about treating the body in parts, but about viewing it as a whole—honoring the interconnectedness of muscles, other physical tissues, and our cognition and emotions.
Integrating these therapies can help you achieve:
Enhanced Body Awareness:Â By focusing on the pelvic floor and combining this with massage, you gain a deeper understanding of how your body functions as a whole.
Improved Core Strength:Â Pelvic floor therapy can lead to better posture, reduced pain, and a more stable core, which supports all movement.
Emotional Release:Â The holistic approach helps to release stored emotions that may be contributing to physical discomfort, leading to a greater sense of emotional well-being.
Personal Empowerment: As you become more attuned to your body’s needs, you gain the power to make informed choices about your health and wellness journey.
Some of my post popular combinations of therapies include: a pelvic floor therapy session combined with extra time added on for more myofascial release techniques (and perhaps even more time added on for some cupping therapy), a pelvic floor treatment with a full-body massage afterwards to address full-body issues further and seal in the healing, a longer full-body massage with some of the time spent to directly address the pelvic floor.
Incorporating massage with pelvic floor therapy is more than just a treatment; it’s a journey towards a more balanced and harmonious self. This integrated approach is designed to support you not just physically, but emotionally and energetically as well.
Let’s embark on this journey together, where structure meets flow, and where your body’s innate wisdom guides the way to a more vibrant, empowered you.